Feeling stressed is a reaction to pressure from events in your life, from other people, or even from yourself. We feel stressed when we have to meet deadlines, be a provider for the people who depend on us, or try to live up to our own expectations of ourselves. A little bit of stress can help you. During a sports competition, stress might push you to perform better, or the stress of deadlines can get you to finish work on time. A lot of stress, or stress that lasts a long time, can hurt you. It can cause problems for your physical and emotional health — like stomach aches, sleep problems, or trouble concentrating — or it can make it difficult to maintain relationships with our loved ones.

If your stress is getting to be too much, don’t try to lower it in unhealthy ways. Take steps to tackle it by scheduling a free phone consultation.

Try some these stress busters while you wait to speak with your counselor:

    • Take a break to do something enjoyable 
    • Get organized and create a plan to complete all your tasks